JavaScript Prototypes and Inheritance

JavaScript Prototypes and Inheritance

Welcome to Day 12 of our 30-day JavaScript and Node.js learning series! In the last article, we discussed about closures and lexical scope in JavaScript. Today, we’ll explore one of the most crucial topics—JavaScript prototypes and inheritance.

JavaScript prototypes and inheritance are fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming that enable code re-usability, modularity, and the creation of complex data structures. By understanding these concepts, you can write more efficient, maintainable, and scalable JavaScript code.

Prototypes are objects that serve as blueprints for creating new objects. When you create a new object, it inherits properties and methods from its prototype, a process known as prototype-based inheritance. The __proto__ property of an object points to its prototype, and it’s through this property that the inheritance mechanism works.

Inheritance in JavaScript allows you to create hierarchical relationships between objects, where child objects can inherit properties and methods from their parent objects. This promotes code reuse and makes it easier to manage complex systems.

In this article we will explore the intricacies of JavaScript prototypes and inheritance. We will cover topics such as:

  • Understanding prototypes and their role in object creation
  • The prototype chain and how it works
  • Creating objects using constructor functions, object literals, and the Object.create() method
  • Achieving inheritance in JavaScript using prototypes
  • Best practices for using prototypes and inheritance effectively

Real world example

Imagine you’re building a car factory. You have a blueprint for a car, and each car you produce is based on that blueprint. The blueprint is like a prototype, and each car is an instance of that prototype.

In JavaScript, prototypes work similarly. You can create a prototype object that defines the common properties and methods for a group of objects. Then, you can create new objects based on that prototype, inheriting its properties and methods.

For example, you might create a Vehicle prototype that defines properties like makemodel, and year, as well as methods like startEngine() and stopEngine(). Then, you could create specific types of vehicles like CarTruck, and Motorcycle that inherit from the Vehicle prototype. These child objects would have their own unique properties and methods, but they would also share the common properties and methods defined in the parent prototype.

In this guide, we will explore the technical details of JavaScript prototypes and inheritance, but understanding the real-world analogy can help you grasp the concepts more intuitively.

Understanding Prototypes in JavaScript

A prototype in JavaScript is an object that serves as a blueprint for creating new objects. When you create a new object, it inherits properties and methods from its prototype which is known as prototype-based inheritance.

The ‘__proto__’ Property

The __proto__ property of an object points to its prototype. This property is not directly accessible in modern JavaScript, but it’s still a fundamental concept to understand.

Creating Objects with Prototypes

There are three primary ways to create objects in JavaScript as we discussed in JavaScript Objects:

  • Using constructor functions:
function Person(name, age) { = name;
   this.age = age;

const person1 = new Person("Alice", 30);
console.log(; // Output: Alice
  • Using Object Literals:
const person2 = {
  name: "Bob",
  age: 25
  • Using the Object.create() Method
const personPrototype = {
  greet() {
    console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}`);

const person3 = Object.create(personPrototype); = "Charlie";
person3.greet(); // Output: Hello, my name is Charlie

The Prototype Chain

The prototype chain is a linked list of objects that starts with the object itself and ends with the Object.prototype. When you access a property or method on an object, JavaScript searches the prototype chain until it finds the property or method or reaches the end of the chain.

Inheritance in JavaScript

JavaScript uses prototype-based inheritance to create hierarchical relationships between objects. This means that a child object can inherit properties and methods from its parent object.

The ‘this’ Keyword

The this keyword refers to the current object within a function. When a method is called on an object, this is set to that object.

Creating Custom Prototypes

You can create custom prototypes to define shared properties and methods for a group of objects.

function Animal(name) { = name;

Animal.prototype.makeSound = function() {
  console.log("Generic animal sound");

function Dog(name) {, name);

Dog.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);
Dog.prototype.constructor = Dog;

Dog.prototype.bark = function() {

const dog = new Dog("Buddy");
dog.makeSound(); // Output: Generic animal sound
dog.bark(); // Output: Woof!

Class Syntax vs. Traditional Prototype-Based Inheritance

  • Class Syntax Example
class Person {
  constructor(name, age) { = name;
    this.age = age;

  greet() {
    console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}`);

const person = new Person("Alice", 30);
person.greet(); // Output: Hello, my name is Alice
  • Traditional Prototype-Based Inheritance Example
function Person(name, age) { = name;
  this.age = age;

Person.prototype.greet = function() {
  console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}`);

const person = new Person("Alice", 30);
person.greet(); // Output: Hello, my name is Alice

As you can see, both approaches achieve the same result. However, the class syntax is often considered more readable and easier to understand, especially for developers coming from class-based languages.

When to Choose Class Syntax:

  • Team Familiarity: If your team is more comfortable with class-based languages, class syntax can improve code readability and maintainability.
  • Simpler Inheritance: Class syntax can simplify inheritance relationships, especially for single inheritance.
  • Modern JavaScript Features: Class syntax provides access to modern JavaScript features like static methods, class fields, and decorators.

When to Choose Traditional Prototype-Based Inheritance:

  • Flexibility: Traditional prototypes offer more flexibility, allowing for multiple inheritance and other advanced patterns.
  • Legacy Code: If you’re working with legacy code that uses prototypes, it might be easier to continue using the same approach.
  • Performance Considerations: In some cases, traditional prototypes might offer slightly better performance, but this is generally not a significant factor in modern JavaScript environments.

Ultimately, the best approach for your project will depend on your team’s preferences, the complexity of your code, and your specific requirements. It’s often a good idea to experiment with both approaches to see which one works best for your team and project.

Mixins and Traits in JavaScript

Mixins and traits are techniques used in JavaScript to provide a more flexible and modular approach to object-oriented programming compared to traditional inheritance. They allow you to combine behaviors from multiple objects without creating a strict hierarchical relationship.


A mixin is a JavaScript object that contains a set of methods or properties that can be added to other objects. By mixing in a mixin, you can extend the functionality of an object without creating a direct inheritance relationship.

const mixin = {
  greet() {
  sayGoodbye() {

const person = {
  name: "Alice"

Object.assign(person, mixin);

person.greet(); // Output: Hello!
person.sayGoodbye(); // Output: Goodbye!

In this example, the mixin object contains two methods, greet and sayGoodbye. By using Object.assign, we mix in these methods into the person object, giving it the ability to greet and say goodbye.


Traits are similar to mixins but offer a more structured and reusable approach. They are typically defined as functions that return objects containing methods and properties. Multiple traits can then be mixed into a single object.

function GreetingTrait() {
  return {
    greet() {

function FarewellTrait() {
  return {
    sayGoodbye() {

const person = {
  name: "Alice"

Object.assign(person, GreetingTrait(), FarewellTrait());

person.greet(); // Output: Hello!
person.sayGoodbye(); // Output: Goodbye!

In this example, we define two traits, GreetingTrait and FarewellTrait. We then mix them into the person object using Object.assign.

When to Use Mixins or Traits

  • Flexibility: Mixins and traits provide a more flexible approach to combining behaviors, allowing you to mix and match different functionalities without creating complex inheritance hierarchies.
  • Re-usability: Traits can be defined as reusable modules that can be mixed into multiple objects, promoting code reuse and modularity.
  • Avoidance of Diamond Problem: The diamond problem occurs when an object inherits from two classes that have a common ancestor. Mixins and traits can help avoid this problem by providing a more flexible and modular approach.

Best Practices for Using Prototypes and Inheritance

While prototypes and inheritance are powerful tools in JavaScript, it’s essential to use them judiciously to avoid common pitfalls and write maintainable code. Here are some best practices to follow:

Avoid Overusing Prototypes

  • Keep Prototypes Simple: Prototypes should ideally represent a clear concept or abstraction. Avoid creating overly complex prototypes that are difficult to understand and maintain.
  • Favor Composition Over Inheritance: In many cases, composition (creating objects that contain other objects) can be a more flexible and maintainable approach than inheritance. This allows you to mix and match behaviors without creating complex inheritance hierarchies.
  • Consider Alternatives: If you find yourself creating a deep inheritance hierarchy, consider alternative approaches like mixins or traits to achieve the desired behavior.

Use Class Syntax Judiciously

  • Understand the Relationship: While class syntax in ES6 provides a more familiar syntax for creating objects and defining inheritance, it’s essentially a syntactic sugar on top of prototypes. Understanding the underlying prototype-based mechanism is crucial.
  • Choose the Right Approach: Consider the context and your team’s preferences when deciding whether to use class syntax or traditional prototype-based inheritance. If your team is more familiar with class-based languages, class syntax might be a better fit. However, if you prefer a more flexible and prototype-oriented approach, traditional methods can be effective.

Optimize Performance

  • Avoid Unnecessary Prototype Chain Traversal: Be mindful of how often properties and methods are accessed through the prototype chain. If you need to access a property frequently, consider copying it to the object itself to avoid the overhead of searching the chain.
  • Use Closures for Private Members: If you need to create private members within an object, consider using closures instead of relying on the prototype chain. Closures can help encapsulate data and prevent accidental modification.
  • Profile Your Code: Use profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your code accordingly. If you find that prototype-based inheritance is causing performance issues, consider alternative approaches.


JavaScript prototypes and inheritance are fundamental concepts that enable you to create flexible, reusable, and modular code. By understanding these concepts, you can write more efficient and maintainable applications.

Key takeaways from this guide:

  • Prototypes: Prototypes serve as blueprints for creating new objects, allowing you to inherit properties and methods.
  • Inheritance: JavaScript uses prototype-based inheritance to create hierarchical relationships between objects.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices to avoid common pitfalls and write clean, maintainable code.
  • Mixins and Traits: Consider using mixins and traits for a more flexible and modular approach to combining behaviors.

By mastering these concepts, you’ll be well-equipped to build robust and scalable JavaScript applications.

Let’s discuss about JavaScript Event Loop in the next lesson….

Next Lesson

Day 13: JavaScript Event Loop


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