RxJS Fundamentals

Tired of juggling callbacks and promises? Enter RxJS, a powerful library that unlocks the magic of reactive programming. But before we dive in, let’s break down the core concepts.

What’s Reactive Programming?

Imagine programming where things just happen when they need to, not based on a rigid script. That’s the beauty of reactive programming. Instead of manually managing every step, you define how your app reacts to changes and events. Just check the following comparison of Traditional Programming vs Reactive Programming.

Traditional ProgrammingReactive Programming
Define step-by-step instructions on how to achieve a specific outcome
Define what needs to happen in response to changes or events
Focus on state
Explicitly manipulate values and track their changes throughout the program
Focus on data streams
Data flows through the program as continuous streams
Operations typically happen one after another
Operations often happen concurrently
Traditional Programming vs Reactive Programming.

Benefits of Reactive programming?

  • Simplified asynchronous handling: RxJS handles asynchronous operations with ease, keeping your code clean and readable.
  • Improved responsiveness: if a data was changed the subscriber gets noticed and updates their state.
  • wError resilience: Has error handling as separate output.
  • Operators in RxJS can be chained together to create complex data transformations and pipelines, making your code more modular and reusable

The Core concepts of RxJS

Now let’s meet the key concepts in the RxJS orchestra:

  • Observables: Think of them as data streams, constantly emitting values over time. Imagine a live stock ticker — an Observable continuously pushes updates. An Observer is just an object which has three methods on it.
  • Observers: These are the listeners, eagerly waiting for data from Observables.When an Observable emits a value, the Observers get notified and react accordingly.
let observer = {
  next: (value) => {},
  error: (err)  => {},
  complete: ()  => {}
  • Subscriptions: The connection between Observables and Observers. This is where the magic happens, allowing data to flow from the source to the listener.
  • Operators: The workhorses of RxJS. These powerful functions transform, filter,and manipulate data streams, allowing you to build complex data pipelines with ease. Think of them as filters and tools for sculpting your data flow.
of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
  .subscribe((v) => console.log(`value: ${v}`));

There are two types of operators. In the above example “map” is pipeable and “of” is creation operator.

  • Pipeable Operators: These are like filters you apply to an existing Observable.They take an Observable as input, work their magic, and return a brand new Observable with the transformed data. Think of them as non-invasive, keeping the original data stream intact.
  • Creation Operators: These are the starting point, generating new Observables from scratch. They can accept various inputs, like numbers, arrays, or even other Observables, and create a stream of data based on that input.

Ready to learn more about the Reactive Flow?

This is just a introduction to the RxJS core concepts. Stay tuned as I delve deeper into practical examples, powerful operators, and real-world use cases.


  • What are the principles of RxJS?
    • Declarative programming: Define what happens in response to events, not step-by-step instructions.
    • Asynchronous data flow: Data streams seamlessly navigate asynchronous operations.
    • Functional programming: Pure functions and immutability create predictable and maintainable code.
  • What are the important concepts of RxJS?
    • Observables: Data streams emitting values over time.
    • Observers: Listeners reacting to emitted values.
    • Subscriptions: The connection between Observables and Observers.
    • Operators: Functions transforming, filtering, and manipulating data streams.
  • What is RxJS used for?
    • Building responsive and performant web applications.
    • Handling asynchronous operations efficiently.
    • Implementing complex data pipelines with ease.
    • Creating modular and reusable code components.
  • What are the features of RxJS?
    • Rich set of operators for data manipulation.
    • Powerful error handling mechanisms.
    • Scheduler support for controlling execution timing.
    • Integration with various libraries and frameworks.


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